Review : FUNTASTIC Chinese Education Hub (Punggol Chinese Tuition)
Funtastic Chinese Education Hub is the only Chinese Language School in Singapore that provides unrivalled enrichment and tutorial programmes spanning from Pre-school to Secondary school levels, endorsed by Professor Kenneth DEAN, Head of Chinese Studies, NUS and Associate Professor Ong Yong Peng, Lecturer, Asian Languages and Cultures, National Institute of Education.
Our team of experienced and dedicated Chinese Specialists and Academic Researchers comprises of MOE Award-winning teachers, NIE trained teachers and ex-MOE teachers, constantly strive and innovate in new teaching pedagogies and learning resources to cater to students’ different learning needs and styles.
At Funtastic Chinese, we provide a holistic learning experience for one and all, nurturing every individual to unleash his or her fullest potential. We want all students to learn Chinese beyond just a subject, but to make Chinese a lifelong living language. Propelled by the school’s Mission and Vision, learning Chinese in every Funtastic Chinese’s classroom is made fun and easy, where learning is active, not passive.
Funtastic Chinese is not just another ordinary tuition centre, but a place for our children to excel Chinese, empowering them to lay a solid foundation in Chinese and to prepare them to be world-ready.
🎒 : For 5 years to 16 years
🏠 : Punggol
From TGC Mummy of 7 and 9 years old and Co-founder of Today Got Class – Lydia
I came to know of FUNTASTIC Chinese Education Hub while looking out for quality Mandarin programmes to recommend on Today Got Class, and was certainly impressed after Founder and Principal Mr Jaycee Neo shared more about the centre. Principal Neo himself was an experienced (and award winning!) educator with MOE. Thus, the enrichment curriculum has been carefully designed to complement MOE’s syllabus yet catering to the different learning styles of students. As a further validation to the quality of the curriculum, their programmes have been endorsed by heavy weights in the education field – Professor Kenneth DEAN (Head of Chinese Studies, NUS) and Associate Professor Ong Yong Peng (Lecturer, Asian Languages and Cultures, National Institute of Education).
FUNTASTIC’s approach of teaching the Chinese Language in a fun and interactive manner certainly appeals to me as I feel that children learn better through experiences, creative thinking and interesting engagements.
Check out Funtastic’s classroom for the younger kids!
Knowing that I was on the lookout for 作文classes for my elder (P3) boy, Principal Neo invited him for a session of the Junior Writers’ Workshop.
I personally find it very difficult to “teach” 作文at home.
What I could only do was to prepare a list of 好词佳句 and generic 开头and 结尾 and made sure he memorise those phases and find some way to use them during essay writing. While #1 was not exactly thrilled to attend another Chinese class (he is currently attending weekly Chinese lessons somewhere else), he dutifully went for his writing workshop as he is always eager to try something new (Great attitude!).
While he was in class, I managed to steal a quick chat with Principal Neo. I asked if the students are made to write 作文every week to hone their writing skills. Principal Neo explained that the focus for each lesson differs and the students would be taught different writing strategies and styles to enhance their writing skills.
As I lament that my boy typically thinks in English and writes in Chinese, he assures me that it’s quite common and might not be an issue of concern at this point if it does not affect the way that ideas are expressed in his writing. As #1 builds his confidence in writing, he should be able to formulate and craft his ideas (naturally) in Chinese in time to come.
When I arrived at the centre 10 minutes before class dismissal, I saw my #1 in deep concentration and scribbling on his worksheet.
Quite a stark contrast from the typical session at home where his “pattern” would be write one sentence – pause to think – check 字典 – erase some words – write another sentence – pause to think halfway – and this goes on. Genuinely surprised that he actually appeared comfortable with writing. 😊
#1’s feedback on the class when he walked out after class.
“Mum! There is another school mate in the same class!”“Actually, the class not bad, I like.”“Teacher said my Chinese quite good (huh??)”
So would I be signing him up for more writing lessons at Funtastic Chinese Education Hub? I’m seriously considering as:
- #1 seems to enjoy it (PS: How many kids enjoy going for Chinese writing classes?)
- I like the personalised approach that the centre adopts. While waiting for #1, I’ve seen Principal Neo giving really detailed feedback to parents on how their kids were coping.
- The centre is near to where I stay (Funtastic is located at 257 Pasir Ris Street 21 #01-299 Singapore 510257, opposite Loyang point).
Other than Chinese writing classes, Funtastic also offers many other interesting classes such as Chinese Calligraphy, Speech and Drama, Singing classes, Junior Presenter, etc. Do check out their suite of enrichment classes at
[TGC Exclusive Deal] For Term 3 classes, Funtastic Chinese Education Hub will be offering the following promotions, do get in touch with Today Got Class at to find out more!
- Referral Benefits
– Enjoy 1 Month FREE Tuition! Refer a friend and enjoy 1 Month Free Tuition for every new sign-up!
- Multiple course sign-up
– Enjoy 50% off when you sign up for a 2nd course at Funtastic.
- Siblings Exclusive Package
– Waiver for Registration fees for siblings sign-up (Worth $107 inclusive of GST)