Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Chinese Made FUN and Easy

的、地、得? Chinese structural particles are important!

In Chinese grammar structural particles 'de' are an important topic to learn. The three 'de' particles are 的, 地 and 得 and each has very different functions. The only similarity is perhaps all three particles are pronounced 'de'. However, many students have difficulties in understanding and using the correct particles in the context, the picture above shows a brief summary of the correct usage.

的 is used to mark possession, and works almost exactly like ’s (apostrophe s) in English.
的 comes after the possessor or subject and before the noun. For instance,

地 is very much like the suffix -ly in English. That is, it marks adverbs, or converts adjectives into adverbs. For example, 慢慢地吃

得 is used as part of various verbal complements. A complement is something that appears right after the verb and adds more information about it. For instance, 唱得很好!

Unlike English, Chinese grammar is not being taught separately in schools, however, Chinese grammar is equally important, be it verbal or written. Come join Funtastic Chinese Mastership, let your child master Chinese today! 9889 8261

#ChineseTuition #ChineseGrammar #LearnChinese #ChineseEnrichment

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