Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Tackling Character Traits Analysis Questions: I think he is "A Good Guy"


Today, we take a look at how to tackle character traits analysis type of question. This type of question usually requires one to name TWO character traits of the mentioned character, based on the information that we have gathered in the passage.

The question usually carries 4 marks.


Name the 1st character trait, give the 1st evidence; name the 2nd character trait, give the 2nd evidence, where evidence refers to the actions or work that the character have done.

One may also apply reverse engineering's approach. We may take a look at what actions or work the mentioned character have done which garner him or her the character trait.  



我认为文中的母亲是一个乐观的人(1st CT)。 她虽然在生活中遇到了很大的困难,但她从不轻易放弃,坚持到底,坚信日子一定会渐渐好转(1st Evidence)。她也是一个关心子女的人(2nd CT)。她虽然双目失明,但她每天坚持为孩子准备早餐,还亲自送孩子上学(2nd Evidence)。

Common mistake:

Many a times, students simply classify the character as good or bad person. 我认为他/她是个“好人”或“坏人”, this is unacceptable and will be marked as wrong or what we call straight zero.

Beside this, some students do not draw reference to the context which will lose marks as a result.

In summary, tackling character trait analysis requires one to have a list of positive and negative character traits and apply the formula 1st CT 1st Evidence + 2nd CT 2nd Evidence. 

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